Board of Certified Public Accountants

Request to Retire Certificate

Any certificate holder who has reached the age of 65 or is disabled, and does not provide accounting services as defined in W.S. 33-3-109(c), for compensation, can request their certificate be placed in a retired status.  

Holders may continue to use the designation of CPA with the word “Retired” behind it. (e.g. CPA, Retired). 

A holder who maintains the certificate on retired status and begins to provide services as defined in W.S. 33-3-109(c)) in Wyoming shall submit a complete application to activate the certificate as set forth in Chapter 3 prior to providing accounting services in Wyoming. 

Request to Retire a Certificate-$50 one time fee

If requesting from January 1-September 30:

If requesting from October 1-December 31:

1. Complete the online renewal application using the OPAL system and select "Retire" as the application type.  See the Renewal Information for instructions on how to complete this process during "Renewal".   

2. Pay the applicable fee ($50 one time fee) using the OPAL system as part of the online renewal.  

Application Submission Instructions