Board of Certified Public Accountants
New Licensee FAQ
When do I have to complete my Wyoming Ethics course?
All new licensees must complete a Board Approved Wyoming Ethics course within six (6) months, by the end of the 6th month, of becoming licensed. For example, if you became licensed on February 10th, your Wyoming Ethics course would be due by August 31st.
For all existing licensees (after your first Wyoming Ethics course due date), the Wyoming Ethics course is required to be completed every three years by December 31st.
You can find your due date for your Wyoming Ethics course on your dashboard.
How much CPE must I complete in my first year?
There is no requirement to report CPE during your first renewal. However, it is recommended that you complete around 40 credits a year.
During your second renewal, you will be required to evidence 60 credits.
During your third renewal you will need to evidence 120 credits.
Can I claim CPE taking during the calendar year I became licensed?
Yes. For example if you became licensed in July, you can claim any CPE you completed from January to December of that year.